Andrea Bedell

You smile, I smile! That’s what happens when people cross paths with Andrea Bedell. She is a character, who enjoys teasing others and she has being doing so since first coming through the doors at STEPs on Arthur 10 years ago. Some might find Andrea a little difficult to understand on occasion but she is adept at making her message heard. She has a creative side, enjoying drawing and copying down words or names in bright colors. She enjoys movies and Disney movies in particular. When she is not pursuing these leisure activities, Andrea enjoys her time at STEPs, assisting in the Clothing Sort program. She hangs up clothes for display in the store, takes out items to the loading dock and garbage container and of course, teases the staff and her fellow participants. As you can see in this picture, Andrea is standing by empty racks as she awaits our move to Delaney House. Hopefully, by the time this profile is posted, Andrea has once again filled the racks and customers are coming through the doors of the Tim Hortons’ New to You. You can be sure, that when you see her, Andrea will be greeting you with a smile.

Written July 2022